The National Planning Commission (NPC) says the attainment of development aspirations in the First 10-year Implementation Plan (MIP-1) is moving slowly, with just 40 percent of interventions on track.
The MIP-1 is a collection of minimum catalytic interventions that have been determined to contribute to two key milestones of graduating the country to a middle-income status and meeting most of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

According to the 2023-2024 progress report published last week NPC indicates that four percent of the set catalytic interventions were completed.
The report shows that about 87 percent of the MIP-1 outlined interventions commenced implementation, an increase from 79 percent registered in 2022.
In the four-year period since the launch of the blueprint, the country managed to complete nine percent of interventions on each of pillars one and two, which are agriculture and industrialization.
On the other hand, pillar three on urbanisation recorded zero completed interventions during the period.
Overall, the performance of agriculture was subdued due to climatic shocks, with the share of agriculture to gross domestic product (GDP) marginally declining from the 22.4 percent registered in 2022 to 22.3 percent in 2023.
“Progress under the Industrialisation Pillar reflected a mixed outcome indicating a gradual reduction in the share of manufacturing to GDP since 2020, dropping by 1.9 percentage points,” the report reads.
Year on year, the share of manufacturing marginally reduced from 10.7 percent in 2022 to 9.6 percent in 2023. The value of manufacturing exports has also marginally dropped to $96 million in 2023 from $135 million in 2022.
According to the report, tourism (including travel) continued to make steady progress with the share of tourism and travel to GDP increasing from 7 percent in 2022 to 8 percent in 2023.
“The overall progress in the implementation of the interventions under this pillar is, however, concerning, with 53 percent of the interventions showing slow progress,” reads the report in part.